Mugiment networks
Mugiment networks are intersectoral working groups, whose objective is the promotion of physical activity. These networks have a local scope and among their components there must be some entity that is a Mugiment promoter.
Mugiment networks are a priority within the Mugiment project. They can be the basis on which to organize the rest of the proceedings. People from different social fields, and who are in permanent contact with the community, can give us a more enriching and comprehensive vision of the reality and needs of inactive people.
This short video summarizes what Mugiment networks are:
This guide is a proposal to create local networks that are aimed at physical activity and structure their work. The purpose of the document is to offer help, giving methodological criteria, to those municipalities that decide to create a Mugiment network. To do this, in addition to clarifying different concepts, a concrete proposal is made of the steps to be followed. The Mugiment networks are not an objective in themselves, but they are another way to achieve the general objective of the project, i.e., to ensure that inactive people cease to be so.
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