Resources Guides Reports Images Books Data sources Miscellany Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018–2030: More Active People for a Healthier World. WHO Guidelines on Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour. Guidelines on Physical Activity, Sedentary Behaviour and Sleep for Children Under 5 Years of Age. Eight Investments That Work for Physical Activity Mugiment Networks Guidebook. Guidance Services Guidebook. (eu) Physical Activity Guidance Services. Guide for intervention in health centers. (es) Physical Activity for Health and Reduction of Sedentarism. Recommendations for population 2022. (eu) Guide for the Development of Collaborative Projects to Transform School Playgrounds. (eu) Eskolabidea. Guide for the development of local school route projects. Guide for More Inclusive Sport Programs in Schools. (es) Activity Breaks: Ikasi Mugituz. Lengua Española. (eu) Activity Breaks: Ikasi Mugituz. Euskara. (eu/es) Move and Learn. (eu) Final Report Eusfit Mugiment 23/24 (eu) Basque Government's PA and Sports Office's 2022-2024 Work Program for the Mugiment Project. (eu) Evaluation of 2023 (eu & es) Physical Activity Prescription Plan of the Basque Country (eu) Referrals from Osakidetza 2023 (eu) Final Report Eusfit Mugiment 22/23 (eu) Prescription of Physical Activity from the Health Centre (es) First Step Second Step (eu) Descriptive Study of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Basque Children and Adolescents. Informative Report. Active Healthy Kids Basque Country 2021 Report Card (es) Pasos 2022 Study (eu & es) Final Report of the Pilot Test. (eu & es) Eusfit Mugiment. Report for the development of a pilot test (eu) Eusfit Mugiment. Initial report (eu) Eusfit Mugiment. Teachers' survey (eu) Results of physical activity guidance services. 2023 (eu) Results of physical activity guidance services. 2022 Results of physical activity guidance services. 2021 (Basque) Results of physical activity guidance services. 2020 (Basque) (eu) Main results of physical activity guidance services. 2019 (eu) Descriptive Study of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Basque Children and Adolescents. Poster. Physical Activity for Decision-makers Eusfit Mugiment: 10 steps to participate (Basque) Physical activity prescription in health centers (Basque) Ways to Promote Physical Activity (eu) How We Understand Physical Activity Physical Activity WHO Guidelines 2020 Sports and Lifts Women and Active Active Kids During the Pandemic (eu) Physical Activity: A Multi-disciplinary Introduction The Kinesthetic Classroom The Politics of Physical Activity Spark! How exercise will improve the performance of your brain The Joy of Movement The Routledge Handbook of Youth Physical Activity The Miracle Pill Exercised (es) Wanderlust: a story of walking How to Move & Learn (es) Atomic Habits (es) El ejercicio un muro contra el cáncer (es) El cerebro en movimiento (eu) Survey of Sports Habits in Euskadi 2022 (es) Survey of Sporting Habits in Spain (2022) (eu) Descriptive Study of Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour in Basque Children and Adolescents 2020-2022 (es) HBSC 2018 Basque Country Infographics (eu) Euskal Osasun Inkesta 2018 (es) ENSE Encuesta Nacional de Salud España 2017 (es) Tables of Health Surveys in Spain (3069) (es) Survey of Sporting Habits in Spain 2015 (eu) Bizkaiko Populazioaren Kirol Ohiturak 2020 (eu) Evolution of Sport Habits in Bizkaia (es) Sports Habits of the School Population of Bizkaia (es) Study of Eating Habits and Physical Activity in Schoolchildren Aged 6 to 11 in Bizkaia and Implementation of Improvement Actions. (eu) GFA Kirol-ohitu 2022-2023 (eu) GFA Kirol-ohitu 2021-2022 (eu) Study on the Use of Regional Cycling Routes in Gipuzkoa (eu/es) Sport and Physical Activity (eu) Reflection on the Situation of School Sports in Alava (es) Gasteiz Mobility Survey 2019 (eu) Mobility Study in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country 2016 (eu) Survey of Sports Habits of the Habitants of Donostia 2017 (es) Bike Friendly Survey Average Social Time, per Participant and Rate, Type of Physiological Need, Day of the Week and Province (hh:mm). 2018 Average social time, per participant and rate, type of active leisure activity, day of the week and province (hh:mm). 2018 (eu) Youth Indicators (Sport) (es) Sports Itineraries Gasteiz School Population (es) Etxebarri Martxan (eu) Needs of Childhood and Adolescence Soraluze (eu) Analysis and Diagnosis of the Sport of Arrasate (eu) Study on the Sports Habits of Young People from Llodio (eu) Research and Analysis of Physical Activities and Healthy Habits of Students of the 2nd Year of D.B.H of Herrikide Ikastetxea (eu) Impact of the Socio-economic Level on the Healthy Habits of Primary Education Students (eu) Study and Analysis of the Physical Activities and Healthy Habits of the 6th Grade Sudents of Hirukide Jesuitina (eu) School Sports in Irun: Analysis of Gender Diversity & Alternative Proposal (eu) Analysis of the Participation of Girls in School Sports (es) Practice of Physical Activity and Sport, sasociationism and Intention of Future Practice in a Group of Adolescents Aged 12 to 16 Years (es) Adolescent Girls: Motor Competence, Practice of Physical-sporting Activity and Intention of Future Practice (eu) Memory of the Donostia Bicycle Observatory (eu) LAW 2/2023, of March 30, on Physical Activity and Sport in the Basque Country. Last modified date: 04/09/2024