Global Matrix 4.0: without a doubt, WE NEED TO KNOW MORE

Publication date: 

Mikel Bringas.

Today the Global Matrix 4.0 has just been launched in Abu Dhabi. This is a global evaluation based on the report of 57 countries.

The Global Matrix initiative is led by the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance, which is an incorporated not-for-profit organisation consisting of researchers, health professionals, and stakeholders who collaborate to advance physical activity in children and youth from around the world.

In this edition, Global Matrix 4.0, we have taken part in this initiative following the harmonised procedures to develop the Basque Country Report Card by grading the following 10 common indicators (we added one more: sleep) using the best available data:

  • Overall Physical Activity
  • Organised Sport and Physical Activity
  • Active Play
  • Active Transportation
  • Sedentary Behaviours
  • Physical Fitness
  • Family and Peers
  • School
  • Community and Environment
  • Government

The Basque Government partnered with Mondragon University, University of Deusto and University of the Basque Country to write a report.

Our report evidenced the lack of quality data in the Basque Country. It is impossible to create evidence-based policies if there is not enough factual information.

This table (PDF, 3 MB) (leiho berri batean irekitzen da) shows how the grades of the Basque Country compare with those of the other nations. We are the country with the least data.

Definitely, we need to know more.

Fortunately two initiatives have already been launched that are part of the solution to the problem: an accelerometry study and a fitness monitoring system (Eusfit Mugiment).

Thanks Marc, Salomé, Iryna, John, Susana, all members of AHKGA and those who have contributed to our report. It's been such a pleasure to work with you.